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TCA Classified Ad Form

Fill in all the fields that you can.  New Ads will be uploaded within 2 weeks.

Use the Tab key or click in the next field to move the cursor between fields. The Enter Key Submits the request.

Click on the Submit button when you have completed this page. You will be automatically sent to a confirmation page. It has a PayPal button on the bottom of the page.  PayPal is completely secure, and is provided through PayPal.com.

If payment is by other means, then just click on a link to the left where you want to go next. The PayPal process will be skipped.

If alternate payment plans are being used, then  tell us in the comments section.  If you are using a business PayPal, then include your registration name in the PayPal comments section, as there are no other direct connections to your name with PayPal.

If no payment is received within two weeks of the registration submittal, we will treat it as abandoned. Any checks or mail orders must be in US funds only.

NON-US Checks can no longer be accepted due to our bank not accepting them anymore.  Non-US checks are being returned for a Cashiers check, Money order, or PayPal.

Any certificates mailed by us and lost in the mail will be replaced within 60 days of receipt at no charge. So it is up to you to check and see if there are any mistakes, or that it has not been received. After the 60 days from submission, it will be treated the same as a new registration.

If you submit the ad form, and you see that it gives you an error at the bottom of the page, or does not send you to the PayPal page, then send an email to Diana@traditionalcats.com to let us know so we can resolve the issue.

If you do not get a copy of the submission sent to you, then either the form did not go through, or you mistyped your email. Try the submission one more time. If it does not go through then send an email to Diana@traditionalcats.com to let us know so we can determine what happened. We will let you know with an email.


Use the Tab key or click in the next field to move the cursor between fields. The Enter Key Submits the request.

The Traditional Cat Association, Inc. ©1987®TM
© by John & Diana Fineran – Aug 1999- 2024.
No portion of this website or any information contained within it may be copied, or in any way distributed,
without the expressed written permission of John or Diana Fineran – No exceptions.